
2016-17 Welcome Back Letter

Dear Draper Students and Parents,                                                                      
On behalf of the teachers and staff at Draper Elementary School, I would like to welcome you back to school.  As we anticipate a wonderful 2016-17 school year, we want to share with you some upcoming dates and happenings here at Draper.
Student Registration – Online registration opens August 4; our front office is open to assist you with registration beginning August 4, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.  ALL Canyons School District families must complete the online registration every school year.  Fall registration confirms to the school that you still plan to attend, and offers families the opportunity to update contact information, emergency contacts, etc.  If you have questions about registration, please call our front office at 801-826-8275.

Back to School Night – Tuesday, August 23, 5:00-7:00 pm OPEN HOUSE
This is an evening for families to come and learn about what will be taking place this year in your child’s classroom, including grade level curriculum, general expectations, and events.  It is also a brief opportunity for your child to meet his/her teacher and visit the classroom just prior to the first day of school.  Our PTA will also be present to sign up members and volunteers.  At 6:00-6:15 we will hold a schoolwide meeting in Gym (no classrooms will be open at this time; all staff and families will meet in the gym) to meet the faculty and vote on the PTA budget.

Dual Immersion Parent Meeting – Tuesday, August 23, 7:00-7:30 in the gym
This first meeting will provide a brief overview of our dual immersion program, with DLI parents, DLI teachers, and the principal to share information and answer questions about dual immersion learning.

First Days of School and School Start/End Times
Grades 1-5: Wednesday, August 24, 8:40 - 3:20
Kindergarten: Monday, August 29, 8:40 - 11:25 A.M. classes or 12:40 - 3:20 P.M. classes

School Breakfast 
Breakfast will be served every school day from 8:20-8:40 in the school cafeteria.  Regular breakfast prices are .90 for students and $2.00 for adults. Free and reduced breakfast (and lunch) is available for families that qualify.

School Lunch
Regular lunch prices are $1.75 for students and $3.00 for adults.  Lunch payments may be made online through PayPams.com.  Free and reduced lunch is available for families that qualify.

School Calendars
Our school event calendar, breakfast/lunch calendar, and the district calendar can be viewed athttp://www.draper.canyonsdistrict.org/.  Click on the header “Calendars”.

School-wide Theme
Our PTA and school-wide theme this year is based on Superheroes: “Draper Dragons are SUPER.”At Draper we help our students reach their potential by building strong relationships of respect, good will, and collaboration with our students, staff, parents, and community as we work together for academic excellence and citizenship.  

School-Wide Behavior Plan
We will continue to develop and implement our Positive Behavior Supports for all students and adults at Draper.  Our school-wide expectations are that all Draper Dragons are Safe, Kind, and Responsible in all that they say and do.  In addition, Draper Elementary implements Restorative Practices and strives to support student citizenship, leadership, and service learning.

Draper Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
We are fortunate at Draper to have an active and supportive PTA.  We encourage you to join the Draper PTA -- we our proud that each year 100% of our faculty joins the PTA, and we are hoping for 100% PTA membership from our parent population. Please watch for PTA membership information to join.

More about Draper
Draper Elementary School has a rich history – we are celebrating 40 years of academic excellence and student achievement in 2016! Draper Elementary teachers and staff help our students consistently score above the state average in Math, Science, and Language Arts.  Draper is among the highest performing schools in Canyons School District.  Draper Elementary also hosts many cultural programs, including a Mandarin Chinese dual language immersion program, school choir, orchestra, chess, film club, and Beverly Taylor Sorenson Visual Art lessons.
I feel privileged to work with our highly qualified teachers, our dedicated staff, and supportive families. I look forward to seeing you at our school events throughout the school year.  Please contact me if you have any questions at piper.riddle@canyonsdistrict.org.