You Can Make a Difference by Volunteering


The Draper PTA believes strongly that one person can make a difference in the life of a student.  We hope you will be that person.

Here are some of the areas we need volunteers for this school year.  Look over the list and see if there is something you might be interested in helping with. 

For more information contact our 2012-13 PTA President Ashley Boyle,, with questions or interests in volunteering.

Book Fair – 1 hour twice a year.  Help out at the Book Fair held during SEP Conferences.  Helpers would set up the Book Fair, or be in charge of the cash register as students and parent purchase books.

Class Parties – Up to 1 ½ hours twice a year. Coordinate with Room Parent and other adults to organize a simple game or activity for Halloween and/or Valentine’s Day Class Parties.

Fun Run – 2 hours in October.  Pass out water at a water station or be a route helper during the Fun Run or assemble fund raising packets prior to the Fun Run and count money as the packets come in.

Hearing and Vision Screening – 1 hour per year (plus 5 minutes).  Commit to a 1 hour shift during the hearing or vision screening.  You will be trained for 5 minutes by the person filling the slot prior to your shift.

Occasional Classroom Help – 1-5 hours or more per year. Coordinate with teacher to help when you are available.

Photography – 1-5 hours per year taking pictures to be used in newsletter and on blog.

Presidential Fitness Testing – 1 hour testing periods in September and April.  Supervise Presidential Fitness Testing in various categories.

Red Ribbon Week – 1-5 hours in October.

Reflections – 2 hours at the beginning of the year.  Participate on the Reflections committee by collecting entries and handing out prizes.

Teacher Appreciation – 1-5 hours during Teacher Appreciation Week.  This is a commitment to work with the Room Parent to design and decorate the classroom door of your child’s teacher during Teacher Appreciation Week and organize a thoughtful way to express thanks to the teacher.  This time commitment varies based on the complexity of the design for the door and your plan to express thanks.  There should be no financial obligation to participate in Teacher Appreciation.

Walk to School Day – 1-5 hours in May.

Anti-Bullying – 5-10 hours per year.

Art Through The Ages – 5-10 hours per year if you decide to participate in one or two units.  Either help present a pre-prepared art lesson or provide classroom support for approximately 8 lessons throughout the school year.  Your time commitment will vary as you coordinate with other parents to determine whether you teach one or more lessons.  This is a time commitment only, all materials are provided. NO art experience/talent is necessary.

Box Tops Incentive Activities – 5-10 hours per year organizing and implementing classroom incentive activities for Box Top collections.

Box Tops Sorting & Mailing - 5-10 hours per year clipping, sorting, gluing and mailing collected Box Tops.
You do not pay for mailing costs.

Dads & Donuts – 1 hour up to 8 times per year.  Help pass out donuts at “Dads & Donuts.”  This event happens before school approximately eight times per year.  You do not have to commit to every Dads & Donuts event.

Emergency Preparedness – 5-10 hours per year.

Art Through The Ages – 10+ hours per year if you decide to participate in more than two units.  This is a commitment to either help present a pre-prepared art lesson or provide classroom support for approximately 8 lessons throughout the school year.  Your time commitment will vary as you coordinate with other parents to determine whether you teach one or more lessons.  This is a time commitment only, all materials are provided.  NO art experience/talent is necessary.

Diversity Days/Lunch Activities – 10+ hours per year.

Room Parent – 10+ hours per year.  This is a commitment to coordinate two parties for the class, supervise teacher appreciation week activities, and organize classroom needs under the teacher’s direction.  This is a time commitment only, there should be no financial obligations.