A Season of Giving


Draper Elementary is providing two opportunities for giving this holiday season:

Quarters for Christmas 
Your spare change can make a big difference.  With the money raised through this campaign, KSL disburses the funds in larger amounts to the following charitable organizations and service oriented locations across the state, including Utah's education foundations, Crossroads Urban Center, Catholic Community Services and The Road Home. All 100 percent of donations made to KSL's Quarters for Christmas Campaign goes to our community for children's shoes, clothing and coats. Please send your donation to the front office or donate online now here.  Please  type "Draper Elementary" for the Company Name so that we can track our donations.​

Draper Elementary's Angel Tree
We will be helping some of our friends and neighbors through our school's Angel Tree.  Parents and staff may visit our faculty room and choose items to purchase to help a family in need. Angel Tree items will be due Dec. 13.  If it helps, monetary donations and gift cards are also appreciated -- we will purchase the needed items on your behalf.